Burwood Morning
Burwood Morning Congregation worships 10:15am on Sundays. An inclusive worshipping community of 20 different cultures and languages.
Burwood Morning holds a Sunday School program, with Morning tea following worship. For more information contact Steve Bevis.
Click here to join Sunday Morning Worship at 10am online: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/719695834?pwd=bXRON29Zc2dyK0RwKzRzN3g3eG9GUT09
Burwood Evening
Burwood Evening Congregation worships at 6pm on Sundays. We meet in two formats…
First and Third Sundays - ‘ROADSONG: Worship for Pilgrims, Nomads and the Restless at Heart’ Burwood Church 6pm
Second and Third Sundays ‘Sacred Lounge: Rest and Inspiration for Life Today’ Malvern Hill Hall, Croydon, 6pm
Malvern Hill
Malvern Hill Congregation worships at 8:45am on Sundays. A very welcoming congregation drawing upon traditional liturgy. Malvern Hill enjoys Morning Tea following worship.
Malvern Hill is located on the corner of Malvern Ave and Murray St in Croydon.
Online Sunday Worship Services are Sundays at 9am via the following Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81165489007?pwd=bHJDdWpiWkZ5V2w4YTkzNk5VNmVYUT09 PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A NEW LINK.
For more information contact Beverly.